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Slane Family | Lenderink Tree Farm Family Session


POSTED IN: Portraits

I cannot believe this little peanut is one! I still remember going to meet him for the first time like it was just last week. You may remember Isaiah’s blog debut a couple months back. We’ve since been trying to get together for a “first birthday” photo shoot, but have had to reschedule due to scheduling conflicts and illnesses. I have to say, though, that our time today at Lenderink Tree Farm was well worth the wait. Side note: If you’ve never been to Lenderink Tree Farm, I highly recommend you go check it out, especially if you have younger children. Even if you don’t need a Christmas tree, they have lots to do! Complimentary hot chocolate, sledding, and their very own Santa. Not to mention the property is just beautiful.

Dan, Bethany, and Isaiah – Thanks for braving the cold with me today! Enjoy a few of my favorites!

toddler standing next to a Christmas tree family posing for a portrait at a tree farm

Happy (belated) birthday, little man!

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i BELIEVE IN LIGHT, laughter, having a great time AND
