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Family Session at Leslie Tassel Park


POSTED IN: Portraits

family session at leslie tassel parkIf you’ve been a visitor to my blog for a while, you know that this family session at Leslie Tassel Park isn’t my normal content. My photography focus is really on couples and weddings, and I’ve generally made it a rule that I only do family sessions for past clients or someone in my own family. But I broke my own business rule here! And let me tell you, this was a good rule break.

I’m so happy I had the opportunity to meet this sweet family. Trish reached out a few weeks ago wanting some updated family photos before their oldest daughter goes off to college this fall. After some rescheduling due to the crazy never-ending rain we had in June, we finally had the perfect night. Trish picked this park as they have a lot of past family memories and photos here. It was the perfect location!

Trish and Dan may look familiar to some of you as they are fellow vendors in the wedding industry! They have the cutest little photobooth that they rent out for weddings and events. Go check out The Shooting Comet! I had so much fun chatting with them about the wedding industry, and finding out that Dan and I both work in the accounting field, all while getting some great photos.

Without further ado, here are a few of my favorites! Enjoy this sneak peek!family walking together during family session at leslie tassel park sisters smiling for family photos at leslie tassel park Enjoy this family session at Leslie Tassel Park? See more here!

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i BELIEVE IN LIGHT, laughter, having a great time AND
